How Copywriting Could Boost Your Business

Have you wondered about a brand from an advertisement that you see on social media? Do you know that a copywriter makes the advertisement you saw? Copywriting can have a significant effect on a business. A big brand or company needs a copywriter to make a word for a website, campaign, and anything else. But, how to do that? This article will explain how copywriting can affect the business and how to craft a good copy!
Why is copywriting needed in every business?
1. Good copywriting can build your brand image.
What comes to your mind when you hear the word, Rolls Royce? You may think that Rolls Royce is a premium and exclusive car brand that wealthy and influential people mostly use. This is called brand image. Brand image is how the brand looks in the customer’s eye, and copywriting can help make potential customers perceive it correctly. Through copywriting, businesses can express their brand with catchy and engaging words, complete with a suitable tone for what their potential customer will love to hear or see.
2. Copywriting can help brands form a bond with customers.
To form a bond with potential customers, copywriting should be able to tell customers’ pain smoothly. Craft a beautiful brand story that tells about customers’ pains, then leads smoothly to the solution on how to solve the problem by setting your brand as the helper. When people see a brand that is relatable to their situation, they may feel assured about your brand’s existence, and somehow your brand may build a relationship with the customer. This kind of bond will raise the trust feeling within the customers to your brand and may arouse them to buy your product.
3. Copywriting helps distinguish your brand from competitors.
Nowadays, there are plenty of brands that sell similar products to society. Therefore, standing out your brand between dozens of competitors is a must-to-do in a business, and copywriting is one of the answers to make it work. Elegantly state your brand’s USP on your copywriting. It will make customers know your brand’s uniqueness among several competitors and attract them to buy your product.
Then, How to make a good copy for a business?
1. Focus on the goal: Sell the product!
The main focus of copywriting is to sell. So, the words must focus on selling or describing your product content. Try to balance your copy to entertain people and engage people to buy the product and see the content.
2. Not too long but detailed
Sometimes the rule to make a copy is to have little words. Because copywriting is made not to waste people’s time just reading an advert, be careful when you write the copy and always check the total word count. But still, keep paying attention to the content description.
3. Always check the headline.
The headline is the first thing when people see your content. A headline can drive people to wonder about your content. So, make sure the headline can make an impact on people. If the headline is not intriguing enough, your copy does not work effectively since customers do not engage with it first. Therefore, to make sure your copywriting is compelling enough, follow the 4 U’s of headline writing (valuable, urgent, unique, and ultra-specific). Then, make your headline with the substantial benefit of your product to rouse the audience into reading the body of the copy.
So, now you know why copywriting is essential in every business and tips on crafting a good one. Copywriting is not just writing full of fancy words about your product. Instead, it’s writing that aims to express the value of a brand to the target audience. Through this value, people can connect with your brand and see your brand’s potential in enriching their lives.
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Prakash, A. (2020, May 12). 5 Reasons Why Good Copywriting Is Important For Your Business. Godot.
Foo, S. (2020, July 17). 9 Benefits of great copywriting & why your business needs it. Speechsilver.
Melotti, C. (2019, November 17). Why copywriting is not just writing: The common 8 copywriting myths. Melotti Media.
Genulius, S. (2009, February 16). 10 Steps on effective copywriting. Entrepreneur.